Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Boy Who Changed My Life

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Fary.Web.ID - Kali ini Saya akan Share satu Recount Text Dari Teman saya yang bernama Rizki Hawalaina, Yang Berjudul The Boy Who Changed My Life, Silahkan Menyimak :

This is a story when I lived in Takengon. It happened when I was in junior high school. This event was a turn back of my life. This is about me and a boy who changed my life.
I was a moody girl. I got angry to other people easily when I did not like the situation I was in. For example, when I was studying and my friends made a joke, I would be angry at them because their jokes disturbed my study. I had no friends because of my actions hurt other people. Formerly, I had ever has many friends who cared with me. They gave me advices so that I could change my attitude. But, I ignored my friends’ advices and kept acting like that because I enjoyed it. In the end, my friends were upset with me and stopped caring. That was when everyone stopped trying to be my friend. So I had no friends.
One day, there was a boy named Sandy. He was a new student in my class. He sat beside me because no one wanted to sit beside me. We made acquaintances.  Time after time passed, we became friends. We played and studied together. I was happy because finally I had a friend.
    In the end of semester, our English teacher gave us an assignment. It was to make a long conversation and then practiced it without a text. We were given two weeks by our teacher to finish it. Sandy and I were in one group. We finished our assignment in only one week. The assignment was done more by Sandy, whereas I was idle and gave my idea less. The things which were left to do were to practice and memorize the conversation. Unfortunately, an unexpected thing happened. Sandy’s mother got into hospital for some days because of her heart disease. He asked for my forgiveness for not be able to practice with me. But I didn’t overlook him and he was so sad.
    “You must practice our conversation with me, you know! If you can’t practice well, I will get a bad score too, do you understand that?” I shouted.
    “But my mom is in hospital now, I must look after her until she gets healthy.” Sandy replied.
    “I don’t care. I want to get a good score.”
    “So do I.”
    “Well, let’s practice.”
    “I can’t now. My mother is alone. My father has gone to work. Why you never understand other people? You have no friends because you act like this. But I try to understand you. Think about your attitude. All you do is getting angry and angry again.” He said.
    “What did you say? You are evil! You are not my friend!” I shouted.
    I didn’t care and left him. I got angry at Sandy. I cried and went home. Few hours passed and I still could not stop crying. Finally, I decided to go to my favorite place in Takengon; Pantan Terong. I spent my time sitting and eating alone in that place. Sometimes, I also liked taking pictures of the view. I could enjoy myself and forget my problem there.  Unfortunately, it reminded me of the time my mother was sick in hospital, I was so sad and always accompany her until my mother got healthy. I phoned my mother who has been working out of the city for some days.
    “Mom, how are you? I miss you, when will you meet me? ” I said.
    “Be patient, darling. I will come back on the day after tomorrow.”
    “Really? I will wait for you, and I would like you to listen to my problem.” I replied.
    “OK, see you! Bye.” my mother hung up the phone.
    The day came and I met my mother. I cried and shared my problem. My mother smiled and hugged me.
    “Try to understand other people. Don’t be selfish. Sandy is same with you. He has been good boy he can understand you well. You must ask him to forgive you. Will you do it?” my mother advised me.
    “Sure mom, I will do it. But, will he forgive me?” I said.
    “Of course, you are good girl when you are brave to admit your mistakes, he will forgive you.  One more, not only Sandy, you must do same action to your friends. I think your friends will come back to you again.”
    “Thank you so much for your advice, Mom. I really love you I said.
    “Try to think about other people’s feeling, what would you do if you were in that situation?” my mother asked.
    “I will do same with Sandy” I replied.
    “Yes, I know she said.
I went to meet Sandy in hospital right away. His mother was still sick that’s why Sandy was still beside his mother. I came alone and brought fruits, bread, and milk.  Sandy didn’t say anything to me. I was afraid to say hello first.
    “Hi, Lena. How are you?” Sandy’s mom said.
    “Hi, ma’am. I am well, what about you? Do you feel better than before?”
    “Yes, of course, Lena. Maybe I can go home tomorrow.” She replied.
    “Really? Oh, I am so happy to hear that.” I got silent and looked at Sandy.
    “Sandy, will you forgive me? I realized my mistakes, I am selfish. I only think about myself, I will never do it again, I promise.” I said and cried.
    “Why you are crying? I am so happy to know that you have realized your mistakes. Forgive me too if I made you sad.” Sandy replied. We were smiling together.
    “You must also think rationally before taking an action, don’t take action as you like. Life needs rules, Lena.” Sandy said.
    “I really regret it. I am so thankful to be your best friend.’’
After that, I also apologized to all her old friends. I promised that I would change myself not to hurt other people’s feelings anymore. In the end, I had many friends. This all thanks to Sandy, the boy who changed my life.

Itu Lah sebuah tulisan kecil dari teman saya yang berjudul  The Boy Who Changed My Life, Semoga bermanfaat.


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